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A big 'Thank you' to those of you who support us financially.

We rely on donations from individuals and churches, as well as sourcing funding from grant making bodies, trusts, etc. Making a financial contribution is one of the ways you can be involved in transforming Luton. With an administrator and 35 chaplains to train and 'kit out' we are always looking for funding. If you can help us by setting up a regular donation, or by making a one-off payment, we would be really grateful.

Our chaplaincy has a big impact in the community and operates with a modest budget. We have a dedicated, enthusiastic and growing team and we pray that this work can continue supporting those in need in our community.

If we could inspire 60 individuals to give £10 a month this would fund 40% of our budget.

If we could inspire 10 churches to give £100 a month or 20 churches to give £50 a month this would cover 60% of our budget.

Bank Account number: 34132300

Sort code: 40-33-01

Thank you for your consideration and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

LCC Gift Aid declaration